Monday, January 14, 2013

Is a word really just a word?

So we have all heard the phrase "sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me." I find this untrue. Sometimes its words and actions of others that hurt me the most. Sometimes its words and actions of others that help me the most. Words do have an affect on our lives. We may not admit it but I'm sure at one point or another in our lives someones words have gotten us down a little. Right? Maybe its just me, but I like to believe that I'm not alone here. 

Like I said what others say to me and the way they act towards me do have an affect on me. I may not always show it but trust me it hurts. Just today I dealt with friends treating me in a poor manner. You would think by now I would be used to the comments coming from them. All year long they have had this tendency to only be nice to me when they want something from me. Their actions and words do still hurt me. More then they probably know. When they throw paper at your feet and act like you are not in the room it tends to put you down. That's how it was all day today at school for me. It was like national pick on Heaven day. I tried to stay focused on my schoolwork and on my prayers to God, but it still got me down and ruined my day. 

I posted a status on facebook stating how I had a bad day, but that I knew God would bring me peace. A few words of kindness from and old friend turned my whole day around. All she said was I hope it gets better for you and I love you. That brought me that peace I prayed to God all day for. Her simple words made an impact on my day and I don't think she even realizes it. 

A similar incident happened about a month ago. I tend to feel like I'm not enough a lot. I've been compared to others and told that I will never be like them. That hurts. I try to be the best person I and and to live by God's word and to walk with Him. So when I'm told I'm not enough by ones I love dearly it puts a damper on my day. I posted something saying I'm sorry that I'm not enough for you. A few minutes later my friend whom I barley know, and barley knows me, sent me this long message about how in God's eyes I am enough. It was a long message with many words of encouragement. After reading something like that from someone who barley knew me it really turned my day around. 

I have the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for. She sends me random text saying I love you and your a blessing as a friend and you know words of encouragement like that. Its strange because she always sends them at the right time when I'm feeling blue. Its like she knows my thoughts and feelings. My church family has defiantly helped me in times when I felt lost. They say how proud of me they are and how they pray for me. That really makes a difference. I have a family outside of my family who have taken me in and are always sending words of encouragement my way. When the S.W.A.G kids come up to me and say thank you, it gives me the best feeling in the world. Its a feeling like no other and it makes whatever I am going through disappear. 

A word is not just a word. For me words of encouragement are blessings from God. He puts those people in our lives to lift us up when we feel down. Those who He puts in your life to be a blessing to, and those he puts in your life for you to be a blessing to. 

A word is not just a word. A word is love. A word is hate. Chose your words wisely. You never know when your words will send someone to far. You never know when your words will bring someone back from the edge. Words do hurt but they can also heal. 

So. Do word really never hurt you?? 

God bless <3 

Heaven Slaughter 

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