Monday, January 14, 2013

The beginning

I have a fear of letting others in. I have a fear of facing someone and telling them what is wrong with me. I'd rather keep everything to myself, but I've found that in doing that, I hurt myself. So I will use this blog to let out what is inside of me. I will share the blessings and love that God has bestowed upon me. 

I have another blog, some of you may or may not have read it before. If you would like to check it out you can do so by clicking the link below. 

That blog is for sharing Gods word and sometimes I post what he has done in my life. There are many blessings that God gives us. Sometimes its hard to see those blessings when you are too close to the edge. That's how I feel sometimes. I feel that I don't appreciate all that God does for me as I should. I get so caught up inside my own little world that I forget that this is God's life, not my own. 

I don't want to be that person. The person who preaches one way but lives another. I want people to look at me and know that I am walking with Christ just by the actions I make. I want to be an example for the girl who is falling apart and needs to know that someone cares. I don't want to be the girl who is falling apart. I try to be the best possible version of myself that I can be. Sometimes when it feels all is going wrong, its hard for me to be that person. 

I truly believe that if I stop holding in my anger and pain that I would be able to be that version of myself. So I will get those feelings out by telling all of you lovely readers! (: Now I am not going to use this blog for complaining or anything like that. I will speak about my day or week, but I will also tell you the God sightings I have. (For those of you who don't know what God sightings are check out my other blog) I will share the blessings He has put upon me even when I feel all is going wrong. I will share His love with all of you. 

Gods love is amazing and can not be put into words. I see that love everyday, and even though sometimes it gets tough. I know that He is always with me. God never leaves us, guy's! Did ya'll know that?? How amazing is that!!! That even though we are unworthy He still sticks with us! I think its pretty amazing! (: 

So this blog will be to get my feelings out there. I need to get over my fear of letting others in and start letting all you in. Its going to be challenging but Gods blessings, Grace, Mercy and Love deserve to be shared. I want to look like love. I want to be the best possible version of myself and shine Gods light through me. 

So I invite all of you to walk this journey with me as I begin to open up a little. 

God bless <3
Heaven Slaughter

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